Paying your energy bills

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Paying your SEFE Energy invoice is simple and straightforward, and it can be done either by Direct Debit, BACS or a one-time debit or credit card payment.

Methods for payment

Direct Debits

Paying your business energy bills by Direct Debit takes the hassle out of monthly payments and means you’re less likely to miss a payment. Many of our customers go for this option and enjoy peace of mind knowing that their monthly gas and electricity bills have all been taken care of.

If you’re an existing gas or electricity customer, simply print and complete a Direct Debit mandate form and return it to us. All Direct Debit transactions are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

Send your completed form to:

Fax: 0207 756 9789
Post: SEFE Energy, 5th Floor, 8 First Street, Manchester, M15 4RP

For more information on Direct Debits, visit our dedicated page here


Please include your account number as a reference. Please send your remittance advice to:

• Email: or
• Post: SEFE Energy, 5th Floor, 8 First Street, Manchester, M15 4RP

Debit or Credit Card

We accept most major debit and credit cards.

To pay by card, please call us on 0161 837 3395. Please ensure you quote your account number with your payment so we can assign it to your account properly. You will find your account number at the top right of your gas or electricity invoice.

Please note, debit or credit card payments may be subject to a 3% charge.

Correcting an estimated bill

We often receive queries around estimated invoices where we estimate a customer bill based on the annual National Grid usage report. Customers can avoid estimated bills and manage energy payments by submitting a monthly meter reading. If you believe that your bill has been either under or over-estimated please provide a current meter reading via one of the methods described below and we will arrange to send you a corrected bill.

Online: My SEFE Energy
Telephone: 0161 837 3395
Text: 07860 020155

Common Questions FAQs about paying your energy bills

Our FAQs provide answers to commonly asked questions about who we are, what we do, our products, and how we work.

What do I do if my bill has been under or over-estimated?

We often receive queries around estimated invoices where we estimate a customer bill based on the annual National Grid usage report. Customers can avoid estimated bills and manage energy payments by submitting a monthly meter reading. If you believe that your bill has been either under or over-estimated please provide a current meter reading via one of the methods described below and we will arrange to send you a corrected bill.

Online: My SEFE Energy
Telephone: 0161 837 3395
Text: 07860 020155

Do I need to pay my gas bill when my account is going to be reconciled in the next invoice?

Making regular payments against your account will keep your payment history up to date. If your account requires reconciliation in order to bring it up to date, any previous payments will be taken into account when producing the up-to-date invoice.

An adjustment to your overall balance will then take place when the reconciliation invoice is produced. If this results in a credit on your account then this can be claimed or be used against future invoices.

I can’t afford to pay my invoice, what can I do?

Please do get in touch with us immediately on 0161 837 3396 or e-mail if you're having difficulties paying your invoices.

Our Credit Control team have lots of experience in creating payment plans for customers who need help.

Have your bank details changed?

The name on our bank account has changed to SEFE Energy Limited but no other bank details have changed.

Our bank account number and contact details are the same, and there are no immediate account changes planned. You can find out more about Bills & Payments here, and you can find up to date bank account details Paying your energy bills here.

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